
Hope and Happiness Spring Campaign 2024

Man seated and looking into the distance solemnly. He is leaning his chin on his hand.


When we think of Spring it evokes thoughts of rebirth, renewal, and awakening. The sight of trees blossoming and daffodils, irises, and tulips pushing up through the soil reminds us that nature is coming back to life after a winter of dormancy. But are these joyful scenes of new life and rejuvenation applicable to someone on their journey to end-of-life?

At Saint Elizabeth Foundation our charitable programs play a vital role in supporting end-of-life journeys for people most in need through our innovative approaches that offer specialized care. By drawing on our guiding vision of life care, love, and working with purpose our Foundation’s program, Journey Home Hospice, cares specifically for patients experiencing homelessness and structural vulnerability  – offering them a caring home for their final days and weeks. Our patients come to us with so little and it is our privilege to provide them with specialized palliative care, as well as the personal touches that create a home-like environment.

Having a place to call home and feel safe strongly resonated with Paul when he arrived at Journey Home Hospice. His story reminds us that rebirth is possible at any stage of life.

“When you live on the streets, you don’t want to ‘own’ things. It can be dangerous if other people find out,” said Paul. “I came here to Journey Home with nothing and I was given so much – more than I ever could have dreamed. People don’t think that a fresh pair of pajamas or watching your favourite TV show whenever you want are a big deal. But after being homeless these things are a huge gift to me. Even though I know I don’t have much time, I do feel like myself again.”

Provided through donations to the Joan & Terry McSweeney Journey Home Hospice Patient Fund, personal items, hygiene supplies, sweet treats, and even entertainment options create a holistic setting for those we care for. Paul, and all our patients, come to us at their greatest time of need, drawing from varied backgrounds and different lived experiences. But one binding thread that is woven in each story we hear is the renewed sense of home and belonging that patients feel.

Our Foundation is proud to have a specialized interdisciplinary team that supports our patients, like Paul, and their loved ones as they journey through end-of-life. We offer a variety of programs and services such as complementary art and music therapies, virtual national spiritual care, our Reflection Room® a peaceful, dedicated space where people can think, talk, and write about their experiences with death, dying, grief, and loss, Indigenous healthcare provider education and community support, investment into hospice palliative care for people who are experiencing homelessness and vulnerable housing and much, much more.

With rising income disparity and many of our neighbours living paycheque to paycheque, now more than ever, each dollar you generously invest into care for Canadians will bring Hope and Happiness to people in need across the country. From our Foundation family to yours, we thank you for your continued support!